Thursday, May 14, 2015

We Are Growers!

Waka Whanake are GROWERS! 

 We spent a bit of time with our friends Harold the Giraffe and Liz from Life Education and we learnt a lot about the stuff we fuel our bodies with...FOOD! Here's a summary of what we learnt: We learnt about the food pyramid. At the bottom is all the food that grows in the ground. We can eat lots of these foods. The next part of the food pyramid is all the food that comes from animals and we can still eat these foods every day but not as much as fruit and vegetables. The top part of the food pyramid is food that is made in a factory. These are treats and we can have these sometimes.

What are your favourite foods that grow in the ground? Have you ever grown anything at home? Comment below, we would love to hear from you!


  1. My fav food is strawberries. When I was little I used to get down on my hands and knees and eat them off the plant. We grow tomatoes - Lily

    1. Do you like starwberrys with yogurt you should try it is really nice fin

    2. Hi lily and fin I love strawberries too. How much vegetables do you grow in your gardens

  2. My favourite vegetable is starwberrys,carrots and potatoes I like potatoes with gravey it's really nice -fin

    1. Hi Fin. I love potatoes and gravy too! Especially with a roast chicken meal. Yum!

    2. Hi I like potatoes, carrots and stwrberrys too I like miyne in a curry

    3. hi fin I like starwberrys on a sundays

  3. My favourite food is strawberrys and I used to grow potatoes by Jazmyne

  4. my favourite fruit is a pear and I like cabige

  5. Hi Miss Fraser/ROOM19 my favorite food that we grow is carrots and potatoes. We cook them in roast meal. So does dad.

    1. Wow my favourite food is carrots and potatoes too and my dad loves roasts too but his favourite food is scrambled eggs by culann

    2. I love growing Blueberries, Boysenberries and Strawberries that's my favourite food. I also help Dad grow vegetables like silver beet, broccoli, corn, pumpkin, chillies and lots more. I love watching our fruit trees grow, passion fruit, lemon, fig and feijoas.

    3. I grow blueberries to I had them with yogit.

    4. Hi jade I love potatoes too I use to like strawberries do you like pineapple? I love them.

  6. my favorite fruit is plums we have plum trees at home-lucre

  7. what's you favorite fruit Miss Fraser-lucre

  8. we also parsnip,raydishs,weet, mustid ,sinich and more, this is why I did'int do it befor

  9. Hi everyone
    I like strawberries and carrots and lots more


    1. hi I love strawberrys too I also like corots my cousin gives them to her pet bunny rabbit

  10. I love growing my blueberries, boysenberries and strawberries that is my favourite food. I also help my dad in the garden and we always grow some vegetables like corn, silver beet, peas, beans, broccoli and lots more. We also have a few fruit trees like fig, lemon, mandarin and passion fruit.

  11. I grow strawberries and chillies.
    I used to have the strawberries when then had only just ripened.
    My mummy and daddy like to eat the chillies with pasta.

  12. Hi everyone my favourite food that we grow is roasted potato it's deliscious😋
    Holly fo

  13. cool my favourite food is zucchini fritters my mum and granny make them. my favourite meat is venison. tell me what you like I'd love to hear from you

    Holly Fun

    1. Hi holly I like zucchini too have you had beetroot before I think it's yum😜
      Regards G.A

  14. Oooo I love zucchini fritters too Holly. Sometimes they grow so big that they turn into marrows which I'm not that keen on. I especially love the fruits you get in summer like all the delicious berries. What winter fruits do you like?

    1. hi Mrs mason my favorite winter fruit is mandiren. my dad also grows a huge garden with broccoli and coli flower and zucchini tomato potato rhubarb also have you tried strawberry with chocolate?

    2. I LOVE manderin I do not like broccoli I like collieflower I have never tried zucchini I love tomato do you like tomato in a sandwich? we grow potato. we used to grow rhubarb no I have not ever had chocolate strawberry but I have tried chocolate fountain? i hope you havebecause it is really really yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmey by

  15. My favourite winter food is Granny's Banana cream pie it looks like a cake but it isn't it is a pie with cream on it is Yummy I hope everyone else try's it too

    1. Is it yum if I were you I go after the cream

  16. I liked leaning about the grow. by Harry

  17. Hi miss Fraser my favourite food that grows in the ground is kumara my least favourite food is zucchini but my mum still makes me eat it! From Kaea.

  18. my favourite food is Ganny's Banana cream pie It looks like a cake but it isn't it's a pie with banana on it and Yummy cream on I hope everyone else try it

  19. Yum! It l think it look yummy l like bananas and kiwi fruit

  20. my favourite food is mums spaghetti.

  21. At my house we strawberry's but the but bug's eat them so they are eaten teia

  22. My favourite food that grows from the ground is potatoes, mandarins, apples and grapes. We grow Lemons, Apples, Oranges and Grape fruit what do you grow? - Rowen

  23. Hi Room19 & 20 I love your comment Rowen you really added detail. how much fruit do you have?
    did you know plants need an amount of space to grow. I use to grow tomatoes.

  24. Cooper Harry kyahJune 1, 2015 at 5:56 PM

    Hi Rowen We like green apples and grapes

  25. Reagan and samuelJune 1, 2015 at 5:58 PM

    We like corn on a cob what fruit and veges do you like? Rowen we like apples to and grapes. Did you kwow in new York they have an apple tree on every street.

    1. hi Reagan and Samuel I love corn on a cob to. it's my favorite.

  26. Hi room20 and room19 I reley liked banana smotheys for Fridays, you shod try it.

  27. Hey Alex I love spaghett

  28. Madison Cooper CyprusJune 14, 2015 at 5:13 PM

    Hi Room19 and 20 . what do u like out ground food or factor food ? ground food because it is heather .

  29. Hi room 19 and 20. Did you know rice is made from the ground? It's really healthy for you. Does anyone like carrots Taylor loves them? Did you know ground food has natrual sugar in it so they are much more healthier then factory food. What is your favourite food that grows in the ground out of strawberries,apples,carrots,broccoli,cabbage,oranges or mandarins? Share your ideas below we would love to hear.😊😇

  30. Hi guys did you know that ground food is got sugar in it but it is healthy for you. When we we're at harold w learnt that sometimes factory food can be healthy for you but not most of the time. What was your favourite part? We would love to hear

  31. hey Kyah and jade i love carrots they are pretty yum what are fav foods

  32. Rory I love carrot's to they are dileleshis what are your fav

  33. I like banners/apples what do you
